How To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Excessive blood pressure can be the prelude to a serious cardiovascular accident. It is advisable to treat and prevent hypertension through a life plan that includes a healthy diet, exercise, and relaxation techniques.
lower blood pressure

Hypertension creates fear because it is associated with heart and brain infarcts (stroke) that have truncated the lives and health of many people. But are all hypertensions bad and dangerous? The truth is that there can be big differences, sometimes not so much because of the numbers, which is what we measure best, but because of how each person reacts to high blood pressure.

Discover the hidden cause of hypertension

With the specific measurement of the sphygmomanometer, figures are obtained but behind them there is a person, some experiences and an environment that can guide the problem that marks the device: unconscious response to a feeling of threat, contained aggressiveness, chronic stress, fear of losing control, feeling of guilt, vulnerability, maladjustment … All these psychological conditions can occur in a sustained or punctual way, at certain times of the day or in certain situations or experiences.

Sometimes, to determine this situation and observe the voltage variations throughout the day and in different situations, it can be very useful to carry out a control with the Holter, which is a small electronic device that records and stores the patient’s cardiac electrocardiogram for at least 24 hours.

This can help to discover a surge in tension that occurs in a situation that the person considers harmless or not related to it. In addition, it provides guidance on how the hypertensive person handles their fears, or on the meridians related to fear and hypertension, such as the kidney, whose energy is associated with water, salt and stressful situations.

A very widespread and hidden problem

In Spain, the incidence of hypertension (HTN) in adults is approximately 35%, reaching up to 40% in middle ages and more than 60% in those over 60 years of age. In total, it affects more than 12 million adult individuals and is considered a public health problem. It also affects 3% of children, although they often have high blood pressure due to the stress they live in the office.

95% of diagnosed cases are classified as idiopathic hypertension, that is, it is not known what causes it. It is largely due to the type of diet, obesity, inactivity, stress … It is believed that it can also be caused by certain family and professional environments, noise and physical and psychological threats, sometimes not apparent.

The pressure also increases due to genetic factors, but these may in turn be family situations in stressful environments, inherited and repeated ways of being familiar in the family environment.

Hypertension often has no symptoms: it is detected by measuring it with the blood pressure device. For this reason, it is important to ask the patient how they experience having hypertension, if they know what risks they are running and how they can control it.

Many of the interventions that modify lifestyle and lower blood pressure have been shown to have broader health effects: they not only reduce the number of strokes and heart attacks but also improve the well-being of patients.

Basic measures to prevent hypertension

In some cases, medication may be necessary, but hypertension often resolves with lifestyle changes:

  • Control the weight. Many hypertension problems are reduced simply by losing a few pounds. The greater the weight, the greater the impulse force is required for the heart to deliver blood to all the organs of the body.
  • Follow a proper, balanced diet. A vegetarian diet, with plenty of vegetables, fruits and legumes, and mainly monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil, is a great option. In general, vegetarian diets contain more potassium, complex carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, fiber, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C, and less saturated fat, cholesterol, and refined carbohydrates.
  • Do not smoke and do not drink or do it in moderation. One of the most important risks of hypertension is stroke or embolism. This risk increases greatly with smoking, as it hardens the arteries.
  • Practice physical exercise regularly and disciplines that promote body awareness (yoga, tai chi, etc.).
  • Reduce stress with the help of rest and relaxation techniques.
  • Reduce the salt. Many of the medications that are prescribed to control hypertension are diuretics. Increased salinity of the blood retains fluid and raises blood pressure.
  • Take omega-3 and coenzyme Q10 supplements.

The basic recipe for any patient with hypertension is to modify their lifestyle. This is the really important thing. Not only in patients with mild hypertension, but also in those with higher figures. Precisely in more serious cases, the effectiveness of lifestyle changes is even more evident.

No alcohol or salt

Alcohol has been said to be a good vasodilator and therefore lowers blood pressure. But its effect is the opposite, as it increases it, as has been shown in all studies. Drinking alcoholic beverages outside of meals has a more important effect on hypertension than drinking during a meal, but what really works to lower it is not drinking them.

The ideal potassium / sodium (K / Na) ratio is probably closer to 5: 1. Most fruits and vegetables have a K / Na ratio of at least 50: 1. Therefore, a simple way to improve the quotient is to consume more fruits and vegetables. What really works is not only the total suppression of salt, but to observe and not eat foods that contain it in the form of a preservative or added.

Move and relax to lower the tension

Exercise is recommended for patients who need to lower blood pressure, which also has a favorable effect on stress, lipid levels, diabetes, weight, and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

It is recommended to practice between 20 and 60 minutes of some resistance exercise 3-5 days a week, with a maximum oxygen consumption of 50 to 85%.

Tai Chi has also been shown to be effective in lowering blood pressure. L to relaxation, meditation, deep breathing, yoga, exercises progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training, guided imagery, hypnosis and controlling stress have a moderate effect in reducing blood pressure.

The mechanisms underlying these methods are not well understood. It seems to slow breathing that is triggered by reciting a mantra or rhythmic breathing exerts an impact on the mechanisms of cardiovascular control.

The Effects of Living a Blood Pressure-Fighting Lifestyle

A recent analysis has shown the usefulness of different interventions in lowering blood pressure values.

  • On average, regular aerobic exercise lowers your blood pressure 4.6 mmHg.
  • Eliminating alcohol consumption lowers it by 3.8 mmHg.
  • Restrict salt intake, 3.6 mmHg.

Tension can be controlled by getting up or after relaxing and observing differences. If there are, then a Holter can be performed – a voltage test for a whole day – to see what environmental influences may be modifying the voltage.

Medical treatment with diuretics is the most widely used to treat most patients with uncomplicated hypertension. If left unchecked, others are often used. It is important to read the side effects of the products, observe yourself and discuss them with the doctor to arrive at a good understanding of the action of the medication. Consideration should also be given to suppressing them if tension is well controlled by other factors.

Three natural remedies

Garlic, hawthorn and olive leaves have traditionally been used to treat hypertension.

  1. Garlic (Allium sativum). It is recommended to take on average two cloves of raw garlic a day, as a culinary condiment to make it more pleasant. You just have to be careful with its adverse effects, which, apart from its effect on breath, can consist of sweating and dizziness, irritation of the mouth, esophagus and stomach, nausea and vomiting. Allergic reactions are rare, but garlic increases the risk of bleeding if taken with anticoagulants or antiplatelets.
  2. Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) is widely used by physicians for the treatment of hypertension, angina pectoris, arrhythmias, and congestive heart failure. Although it is considered a cardiovascular tonic, its hypotensive effect is mild. It is usually combined with dandelion leaf and valerian. The dose of hawthorn leaf with flower is, in general, 2 to 3.5 g / day in an infusion or herbal tea, or the equivalent dose in tincture.
  3. Olive leaves. Among its compounds, oleoeuropein gives it antihypertensive properties due to its peripheral vasodilator, spasmolytic, coronary dilating and antiarrhythmic effect. Flavonoids, triterpenes and potassium salts produce a diuretic effect. For the infusion of the leaves, if possible, the new shoots or shoots of the olive tree are chosen. Prepare one tablespoon per cup and infuse for ten minutes. They take three or more cups a day before meals.

On the other hand, some plants contraindicated in hypertension are tobacco, licorice, ephedra, coffee and ginseng, which can raise blood pressure.

Complementary treatments

Acupuncture is useful in the treatment of mild and recent-onset hypertension by virtue of its properties to balance the body. Eight to ten sessions are recommended over a two-month period to determine if the hypertension responds to acupuncture.

According to homeopathic principles, hypertension reflects the overall state of health of the individual and is therefore amenable to treatment. The effectiveness of homeopathy depends on the age of the person and the duration of the illness. A nonspecific general remedy selected by an experienced therapist is the most appropriate way to treat hypertension.

The following homeopathic medicines are sometimes used :

  • Argentum nitricum is used when blood pressure increases with anxiety and nervousness.
  • Aurum metallicum is sometimes indicated in serious people who are career and achievement focused.
  • Calcarea carbonica is often helpful in people with high blood pressure who tire easily and have poor endurance.

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