Greta Thunberg Speaks Today At The United Nations

Invited by António Guterres, the world leader of Youth for Climate, will explain what young people demand of world leaders.
greta thunberg summit climate

The world is watching what youth leader Greta Thunberg will say today at the UN headquarters in New York during the Youth for Climate Summit, two days before the heads of government meet at the Summit on Climate Action.

At 10 a.m. New York time (2 p.m. in Spain), Greta Thunberg will speak at the opening session of the first youth summit on climate change. Thunberg has been invited by the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, who will take note of everything she says.

António Guterres will take note of what Greta Thunberg says

Guterres has expressed his interest in listening directly to the young people who are leading the protests that demand immediate and effective measures to respond to the climate emergency that the planet is experiencing. The message of the young people will be transmitted to the heads of government who will attend the summit next Monday 23.

The event will be presented by Nadira Angelina Hira and the UN Commissioner for Youth, Jayathma Wickramanayake, will be in charge of welcoming the young activists.

The three young men who will accompany Thunberg

After Thunberg, three other prominent young activists will take the floor:

Bruno Rodriguez, 19, is one of the representatives of the Youth for Climate (or Fridays for Future) movement in Argentina. Rodríguez, who is a student of Political Science and Law, will probably talk about regional problems such as the recent Amazon fire and about the responsibility of more developed countries.

Wanjuhi Njoroge is a Kenyan activist awarded the “Top 40 under 40 women” award in 2016 for her contribution to transforming her community, her country and her continent.

Komal Karishma Kumar will explain the serious problems that global warming is already causing in places like the Fiji Islands, where at least three populations at sea level have already been relocated to higher ground due to rising water levels. Komal Kumar, 27, an expert in public health, will explain that 435 communities are at risk.

The Youth Summit will continue with forums where young people will be able to dialogue with experts and political representatives from around the world who have in their hands the realization of initiatives against climate change.

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