“Emotional Maps Are Powerful Tools To Understand Yourself”

Interview with José Antonio Sande, teacher and flower therapist. He has created the Emotional Maps Technique, a therapeutic and growth tool.
Jose Antonio Sande

Asturian of origin and from Almeria by adoption, José Antonio Sande combines practice as a school teacher and his interest in the world of emotions with his passion for flower therapy.In 2012 he started a path of support for Flower Therapy and other psychological and emotional character.

Understanding yourself through emotional maps

─Can we go to the root of the problem through emotional maps?
─Yes, they are powerful tools that allow us to discover patterns found in the personal, family and collective unconscious.

─How is a map built?
─Thanks to my experience as a floral therapist and as a teacher, after observing the actions and emotional and mental reactions of the students and my patients, I have developed a game of 360 cards with a great variety of emotional and mental programs that the person, with help from the professional, he is ordering to create his own emotional map. Thus the person understands himself.

─Why 360?
─I have divided the emotional and mental programs into seven groups of emotions and thirty-eight psychoenergetic-emotional structures, with dozens of feelings, thoughts and beliefs linked to each structure.

All this material has allowed me to verify the order that each person makes of their emotional life, which is configured in the brain through engrams and whose operation is reflected in life itself.

─The mind uses engrams or neural systems as neurochemical support of information, that is, of sensations, emotions, feelings, thoughts, intuitions, memories …

─How would you treat me with the Emotional Maps Technique?
─I would start a job with flower therapy to facilitate your awareness.

Then you can build your map. The fact of selecting the cards that contain the emotional and mental programs, touching them with your hands, having to look for their place and connections, leads to a broadening of awareness about your inner life and about how it is the basis of your outer life.

─What has caught your attention when dealing with this technique?
─When the person finishes the elaboration of his map and contemplates his emotionality with perspective, it usually produces a moving effect.

They often cry and sometimes express that, for the first time in their lives, they truly understand each other.

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