Eating Fruit, Is It Fattening?

Are you afraid of fruit? Let’s break some myths
Does fruit make you fat?  Eat Clean Blog

People are afraid of the fruit, there is a popular belief that has demonized it. Help, help! Fruit has sugars and sugars are bad and fattening! Waiting. Let’s go by parts.

Fruit is the perfect food, you just need to have a harmonious body and correct eating habits, this is it. The problem is that few can boast of it.

Source of nutrients and energy

How many times have I been asked for smoothie recipes without banana? Fear that something natural, perfectly packaged by Mother Earth will make us gain weight or be worse for our body than a cereal bar packed in plastic or aluminum full of flavorings, sweeteners and other “… before” chemicals but, yes, that it only gives us 99 kcal.

It is clear that fruits are a rich source of calories and natural sugars, but they are also a natural “container” of antioxidants and minerals. It is one of the most cleansing food groups that exist and as such we must include them in our diet.

Sugars in fruit

Healthy bodies have the ability to manage sugars in a very different way than those with imbalances such as yeast infection, yeast infection, diabetes, or liver problems. Or if when consuming fruit we still have remains of food highly rich in protein or fat in the stomach, this can also affect how our body will react to the sugars in the fruit.

The fruit helps us to cleanse the body, it helps us to move and stimulate intestinal transit, it is easy to digest, it is very rich in water and fiber, it does not have dense starches or fats, and its estimated digestion time is about 20 minutes .

If we consume fruit after meals, or if we eat fruit indiscriminately throughout the day and do not take into account what it is that we just ate recently and that still lingers in our stomach, maybe that apple, those strawberries, that piece of melon, they make us feel bad, cause us gas and make us bloated.

These mixtures will not help us to feel lighter, they will cause fermentation of the fast sugars of the fruit, and with this the appearance of toxins. As a consequence, more fluid and fat retention.

Body in harmony

Attention! Fruit is good for us when we have a clean body.

When I suffered from candidiasis (bad for many), I spent a good season eating very little fruit. Luckily I can recover quickly, in just 8 months, thanks not only to food, but to meditation and reducing stress.

The fruits that I ate were basically lemons, cucumbers, tomatoes, grapefruits, pomegranates and berries, all of them with low sugar content, but even so the fruit was still part of my diet and it was cleaning my diet even more, until I managed to balance the levels of intestinal and vaginal flora. But now, that I am completely “cured”, fruit is in a large part of my meals from the time I get up until lunch or early in the afternoon before going out to exercise, and more now that it is summer and nature offers us so many options.

So clean your diet of highly processed products, refined flours and sugars, gluten and dairy products, and, if you eat fruit, eat it alone or at least 20-30 minutes before your meals, especially if you want to lose weight.

So is it fattening?

It should also be said that, as a food rich in fast sugars, if after eating fruit we do not move and spend them (many times I have had patients who, wanting to lose weight or eliminate the fat concentrated in the stomach, only ate fruit for dinner), the body will save these sugars in the form of fat stores. Or had you not commented before that the body is very wise?

Our body does not despise anything that it can reuse, so it transforms the excess sugars into lipids since it is the most efficient way to store energy. Remember that 1 gram of carbohydrates / sugars only gives us 4 kcal, while 1 gram of lipids / fat gives us 9 kcal. If losing weight is your goal, prepare a delicious vegetable cream or a good salad full of colors for dinner.

Fruit is the most natural food that exists, we can eat it simply by finding it in the forest, in nature. It is a package loaded with fiber and micronutrients that have been scientifically shown to help us contract fewer diseases and have a protective and antiaging effect on our cells. So as you clean up your diet, include more fruit in your day to day and embrace it without fear!

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