Beyond The Mojito! 6 Properties Of Mint

Mint is highly appreciated in cooking for its pleasant aroma and flavor. It also has several therapeutic properties that you may not know about.
Peppermint properties

The strong and sweet scent of mint is instantly recognizable. Its taste is warm and spicy, with a refreshing aftertaste. It has a versatile flavor that allows the most interesting combinations.

In Indian cuisine, for example, it is mixed with cumin, cardamom, ginger, and cloves.

In western cuisine it is used fresh to enhance carrots, potatoes, aubergines and all legumes. It can be added to tomato soup along with some chili peppers for an “American flavor.”

At the end of a meal, the mint flavor goes well with fruits and chocolate desserts.

In contrast, some stews in oriental cuisine require the spicy taste of dried mint.

The two most used varieties of mint are Mentha piperita, used medicinally, and Mentha spicata or spearmint. The latter is the one that is used to grow in gardens, it is less strong but has the same uses.

Discover 6 properties of mint that you probably do not know

It is very common to have a pot with mint at home , to always have it on hand to cook and, lately, to make mojitos.

However, mint does not only serve to add color, aroma and flavor. Some medicinal properties are also attributed to it .

1. Great digestive remedy

It stimulates the flow of bile, relieves acidity, prevents the appearance of gas, nausea and other digestive discomfort.

For this purpose you can take peppermint oil capsules.

2. Helps you breathe better

Menthol clears the airways. Helps lower fever from colds and flu. And it contains antiviral thymol.

Peppermint is also effective in treating sinusitis and rhinitis.

3. Improves blood circulation

Contains rosmarinic acid and eugenol with anticoagulant effects.

They also improve the oxygenation of the blood.

4. Stimulating, not exciting

Active but without producing nervous excitement. It allows you to perform without stress.

If you combine it with ginger, you enhance its action.

5. Analgesic for external application

Relieves muscle, rheumatic and headache pain.

Apply diluted peppermint oil (15 drops in 30 ml of almond or olive oil) to the affected area .

6. Natural antibiotic

It contains more than 40 antiseptic principles, useful against skin conditions, such as eczema, itching or stings.

Mint infusion, digestive and analgesic

It is prepared by pouring 10 grams of its leaves or tops into a saucepan of boiling water.

It is a good digestive, which in the form of gargle relieves toothache.

Quick salad dressing

You can quickly and easily prepare a mint dressing that will enhance the flavor of your salads.


  • 6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • ΒΌ teaspoon dried mint
  • a pinch of salt
  • A pinch of pepper


Beat the ingredients until you get a homogeneous sauce.

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