8 Diseases That Can Improve With A Good Diet

Choosing natural and nutritious foods that counteract inflammation and regulate intestinal flora can be the best medicine when you lose health.

Although advances in medicine have made us live longer, there are no effective treatments for diseases such as obesity, osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis or hypertension, closely linked to lifestyle and diet.

Science confirms that a healthy lifestyle helps prevent certain diseases, but what happens once they appear?

Inappropriate habits promote subclinical inflammation, alter the microbiota, increase intestinal permeability, cause malnutrition and subject the body to a greater toxic load. The stress, the environmental pollution, poor diet, the untidy schedules and physical inactivity are harmful in this regard.

Well, it is always possible to introduce changes in the way of living that help prevent disease and improve the quality of life. In general, a preventive diet should be anti-inflammatory, natural, nutritious and balanced.

However, when you have a specific disease, you must adapt to each process to restore balance and general health. Here are some of the most common health problems and the main dietary measures to take for each of them in order to improve symptoms and, where possible, correct the problem.

This type of medicine was born in the 90s as a medical model in the treatment of chronic diseases. It fuses diagnostic and therapeutic methods of conventional medicine with complementary practice techniques.

Nutritional counseling is vital in this therapy. Food is considered the basis of health, with great therapeutic potential, and an anti-inflammatory diet is proposed. The basic goals of the “integrative diet” are to promote gastrointestinal health, keep inflammation at bay, avoid nutritional deficiencies, regulate weight, and avoid environmental toxins. Prioritize the consumption of organic foods and vegetable proteins over those of animals.

1. Curb osteoporosis

In Spain, three million people suffer from osteoporosis, mostly women. The bone is formed throughout life and the maximum bone density is reached around the age of 30. For this reason, it is advisable to take measures to increase bone density in youth and reduce decalcification in maturity.

Correct bone nutrition does not depend only on calcium intake. It is about having a correct balance between the intake of various nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, boron, vitamin C, collagen or vitamin D. Taking omega-3 fatty acids and following a diet with an alkalizing tendency also favors the correct mineralization of the bone.

The diet rich in bioavailable calcium should contain legumes three times a week, a small amount of algae, sesame, hazelnuts or almonds daily or every other day, and green leafy vegetables as a garnish every day.

Although dairy products are foods rich in calcium, they have a high amount of protein that acidifies, so trusting everything to their consumption is not an adequate strategy to ensure good bone mineralization. Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin by 90%.

Exercising outdoors can help increase the production of this vitamin. Its deficiency is the most frequent nutritional defect in Spanish children and to avoid it, it is enough to sunbathe for 10-15 minutes a day.

In general, the factors that favor bone decalcification are sedentary lifestyle, excess acidity, excess protein, hormonal imbalances and excess environmental toxins.

The collagen supplements and of magnesium and calcium can also help strengthen the bone matrix.

2. Improve gastric acidity

The heartburn or heartburn is a very common disorder today. Antacids are the most widely used therapeutic alternative and are effective as a palliative measure, but their continued use can have adverse effects. Changes in gastric pH prevent the correct absorption of proteins and certain minerals or vitamins such as B12.

Taking nutritional measures can improve symptoms with fewer side effects. For a good digestion it is important to eat small portions several times a day and to do it sitting, calm and chewing well.

The food must reach the stomach crushed and mixed with saliva to promote the action of the enzymes. These measures are often not valued and should not be overlooked. If there is excess abdominal fat, the pressure on the digestive organs increases and weight loss is needed to improve reflux.

A diet rich in lightly cooked food and free of animal fats helps digestion and reduces body weight. The foods that produce the highest gastric acidity are coffee, tea, alcohol, carbonated drinks, chocolate, fruit juices, tomato sauce, fatty dairy products, meat broths, fatty meat products and cheese. .

An effective palliative remedy to raise gastric pH is to drink the smoothie of half a raw potato on an empty stomach diluted in a glass of water.

Some supplements can help, such as enzymes to improve digestion or pure juice of aloe vera and the dragon blood plant, useful when heartburn is due to gastritis or gastroduodenal ulcers due to their ability to regenerate the gastric mucosa.

3. Take care of the liver in hepatitis

The word hepatitis means “inflammation of the liver” and this can be caused by a virus or by the abuse of alcohol or even fat. The liver is responsible for metabolizing any potentially toxic substance that enters the body.

Therefore, the diet should avoid increasing the toxic load and protect the liver. When the liver is affected, a cleansing and anti-inflammatory diet is the right one. It is also essential that it helps regulate intestinal transit, since constipation favors the entry of more toxins into the body.

Oatmeal is a food that helps regulate the intestine and eliminate waste. The most suitable foods to purify the liver are vegetables and specifically bitter ones such as artichoke, celery, endive or radishes and their broths.

Smoothies rich in antioxidants should be taken at least once a day, preferably on an empty stomach. Foods to avoid are red meat and meat fats, precooked foods rich in additives and trans fats, coffee and alcohol mainly.

During the acute phase of hepatitis it is recommended to do a cleansing week giving priority to the consumption of vegetables and whole grains. The day begins with an antioxidant vegetable smoothie of carrot, apple, beet and celery; at lunch and dinner, artichoke broths are taken and, between meals, infusions of milk thistle and boldo, two liver cleansing plants. Meals must be light, free of fat and meat products.

4. Rheumatic diseases

Although the exact causes of rhema and other related diseases are unknown, every day more is known about the influence that lifestyle has on its progression and that genetics, sedentary lifestyle and obesity are some of the risk factors that influence its appearance. An anti-inflammatory diet, rich in antioxidants and alkaline is adequate in rheumatic diseases.

Today the link that may exist with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity is also being studied . It is possible that an excess of intestinal permeability favors the entry into the body of certain peptides from food and that these generate cross reactions that promote inflammation. In such cases, it is necessary to remove the gluten and improve the intestinal flora.

In general, the diet should promote the body’s elimination processes to avoid the accumulation of environmental toxins. For this it is advisable to consume about 1.5 liters of filtered water per day. Since obesity is a risk factor, the diet should be moderate in calories.

As support, nutritional supplements that improve joint health such as collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate or omega-3 fatty acids can be used. And it should be remembered that moderate exercise and stretching help to strengthen the muscles and reduce symptoms.

5. Cholesterol and triglyceride levels under control

Elevated cholesterol or triglycerides can be genetic or a consequence of lifestyle. In both cases, a cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory diet will help. Inflammation encourages excess lipids to adhere to the arterial walls, which thickens them and hinders blood flow.

Mainly it is advisable to avoid the consumption of fatty meats, sausages, dairy products, fried oils, alcohol, refined flours and simple sugars. The egg contains cholesterol in its yolk, but if it is taken in moderation (between 3 and 4 a week) it does not influence blood cholesterol.

On the other hand, an excessive consumption of fructose favors an elevation of triglycerides. This sugar is often used in industrial foods, such as sugary drinks, pastries, breakfast cereals or cookies, sometimes in the form of “corn syrup”. The most suitable forms of cooking are steamed, oven, iron without oil or papillote.

Ideally, season the food with raw extra virgin olive oil after cooking. Functional foods with plant sterols or supplements with red yeast rice are some of the therapeutic alternatives that lower blood cholesterol. The supplements omega-3 fatty acids may be useful against excess triglycerides.

6. Regulate hypertension

The fundamental guideline when you have high blood pressure or hypertension is to reduce sodium chloride in your diet by avoiding salt, smoked meats, brines, and pickles, precooked foods, bouillon cubes, cold cuts and cheeses.

In contrast, the consumption of other minerals, such as potassium, calcium and magnesium, can improve blood pressure.

The parsley, potato, avocados, dates and bananas are rich in potassium. The infusions of olive leaves or hawthorn are recommended. The benefits of garlic have also been studied for being alkalizing, hypotensive and hypocholesterolemic.

In addition to eating a diet rich in vegetables, it is important to reduce stress with relaxation therapies, exercise daily and control cardiovascular risk by moderating the consumption of saturated fats and sugars.

7. The most appropriate diet for anxiety and stress

Although mind-body therapies are essential in improving anxiety and stress, diet helps avoid nutritional imbalances that can exacerbate symptoms and cause metabolic disturbances. It is important, for example, maintain a stable blood sugar preferring whole foods and high fiber to fast sugars, as glucose fluctuations affect mood.

On the other hand, stimulants ( coffee, chocolate, tea, tobacco ) favor the production of adrenaline and provoke a state of alert that should be avoided. In general, a light diet is advised, because it helps you feel more vital.

However, it is convenient to rule out nutritional deficiencies or anemic states that, by making one feel weaker and more down, decrease tolerance to stress.

8. Overcome yeast infection

The chronic candidiasis can occur an imbalance in the microbiota generated by an excessive presence of fungi in the mucus, generally Candida albicans . This fungus lives as a commensal in the body and can proliferate opportunistically after antibiotic treatments, chemotherapy, or if the immune system is depressed.

In its treatment, the diet must be free of simple sugars, refined flours or cereals and foods with a high glycemic index (such as sweets, potatoes, honey, bananas or dried fruits). It is also advisable to avoid taking fermented foods (including those made from soy, such as miso or soy sauce), fermented drinks (wine and beer), mushrooms, vinegar and pickles, and yeasts (present in bakery products and food preparations such as bouillon cubes ).

To regulate the flora, natural probiotic and antifungal supplements such as garlic, caprylic acid or pau d’Arco can be taken, but always under medical prescription.

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