Connect With The Rhythm Of Life

There is a connection of vibrational waves that connect living beings with the planet. Synchronizing your personal frequency will stimulate your faculties.
Connected to the planet

Gaia is the sidereal womb that welcomes us, nourishes us and makes our health possible. In the same way that each living being – the human being among them – is a vital ecosystem for other smaller species.

Thus, we are all connected by complex ties of interdependence. Some very obvious, such as oxygen, which some species release and others take, or the water that on the planet is home to fish, amphibians and other living beings, and in multicellular it constitutes our interior ocean, the vital micro-gaia for cells and microorganisms.

All living things are connected to the planet

But there is a more subtle but equally important connection: the heartbeat of Gaia, an invisible connection of vibrational waves that connect all living beings to the planet.

The still misunderstood experiments that the brilliant inventor Nikola Tesla carried out in his Wardenclyffe laboratory led him to conclude that the Earth behaves like a gigantic electromagnet that can transmit information and energy with little loss.

His findings on the possibility of free energy were conveniently forgotten, but in the course of his studies Tesla had calculated the resonance of the planet at ten hertz (vibrations per second).

The Slavic genius wrote: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

The Schumann resonance

Fifty years later, the German physicist Winfried Otto Schumann specified this resonance with the help of a student of his at 7.83 hertz.

That is the frequency of vibration that storms, lightning and other meteorological phenomena produce when shaking the earth’s electromagnet causing its waves to resonate in the cavity formed by the ionosphere, a layer of electrically charged atoms as a result of the sun’s radiation and that surrounds the Earth’s surface about a hundred kilometers high.

Thus, what we could call the rhythm of life was established, a resonance network that connects with the brains and pineal gland of all mammals, harmonizing their vital pulse and providing them with health conditions.

In fact, when the first American and Soviet astronauts left the ionosphere they began to have health problems that only reversed when they returned to the lap of the planet’s pulsation.

The importance of staying connected to the planet

Later experiments confirmed the need for all living beings to remain connected to this pulsation: people inside a magnetically isolated bunker developed headaches, lack of coordination, decreased concentration and heart rhythm disturbances; Remitting symptoms when using a Schumann MRI simulator.

These symptoms also appear in especially sensitive people during solar electromagnetic storms.

There are studies that show the alterations that cement, high-voltage wiring, steel towers, mobile antennas and other structures and materials typical of modern buildings produce in the circulation of waves of the natural magnetic field, which explains the difference between walking through a big city and doing it in a natural environment.

Brain waves

In the middle of the 20th century, the German psychiatrist Hans Berger managed to measure the electrical impulses of the brain.

Subsequent investigations have been completing the registry of all brain frequencies, each of which is related to psychic and neurological states and therefore with alterations and disorders, but also with enormous possibilities for healing and the expansion of mental capacities.

The gamma waves have frequencies above 28 hertz and the states correspond to stress and confusion.

Beta waves are located between 13 and 28 hertz , the most common in our modern society and which correspond to anxiety, alertness and fear.

Next, the alpha waves, which are between 7.5 and 13 Hertz, correspond to the states of relaxation, tranquility, creativity and body-mind integration.

More advanced states of inspiration, meditation and fullness are between 3.5 and 7.5 Hertz: they are theta waves .

And finally, delta waves, in a range between 0.2 and 3.5 hertz, which correspond to deep sleep, hypnotic states and deep meditation.

Reduce brain arousal

The distance from nature, the lack of rest and living with electronic devices keep us at high levels of cerebral arousal.

We can reduce them from beta waves to alpha waves or even more with the help of relaxation techniques, music or sounds, thus we will be able to stimulate our creativity, reduce or eliminate anxiety, and increase mental and physical performance.

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