Intimate Hygiene Without Toxins

Our body has a flora that must be respected since vaginal health depends on its balance. Scrupulous cleaning and healthy habits will prevent problems
Respect the balance of the body

The vagina is an elastic fibromuscular duct lined with a mucosa full of beneficial microorganisms that protect it from being colonized by opportunistic pathogenic viruses, bacteria, and fungi that can cause infection, such as candida or human papillomavirus. Therefore, the most important thing in prevention is to keep the natural flora in perfect balance.

We must think of it as a “skin” and, as such, protect it, but also feed the natural flora: yogurt and kefir are probiotics that contain beneficial live bacteria, restore the population of friendly bacterial flora, strengthen our immune system and maintain an adequate vaginal pH.

But to fulfill their preventive and lasting function they must contain live bacteria. The yogurt must be organic, without food additives such as colorings or flavorings and without sweetening. Prebiotic foods are also suitable: indigestible carbohydrates such as plant fiber stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Protect the mucosa

The most common risk our mucosa suffers is excessive vaginal hygiene. It is best to wash once a day, and only with water, without soaps or vaginal deodorants, since excessive genital hygiene or the use of these products modifies the natural vaginal pH, changes the flora and breaks the protective bacterial balance, favoring the overgrowth of harmful flora that causes infections.

The same advice applies to the daily shower: do not use soaps in your genital area, and for the rest of the body, choose soaps made of natural substances.

It is best to wash once a day and only with water, without vaginal soaps or deodorants

Always clean your genital area from front to back, from the vagina to the anus and not vice versa, to prevent bacteria from the anus from passing into the interior of your vagina and can colonize it and unbalance the flora.

Some women are also sensitive to the perfumes of both toilet paper and the soaps or fabric softeners with which we wash our underwear. For this reason, it is important to choose a toilet paper without scents or printed graphic designs and wash clothes with natural soaps and without fabric softeners.

In menstruation

Choose compresses made of natural materials to avoid exposure to harmful chemicals, such as bleaches, which can weaken the friendly vaginal flora. You can find them in organic product stores.

Also avoid the use of tampons, since the natural thing is for menstrual blood to flow out of our body and fall by gravity. Have you tried using vaginal cups ? Their use is becoming popular and you can no longer only find them in organic establishments. Many pharmacies have them for sale and there they will inform you of the simplicity and comfort of their use.

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