“We Must Not Allow Ourselves To Be Sabotaged By The Subconscious”

Doctor of Biology, he investigates the power of the subconscious in our negative behavior and thoughts, and in techniques to “deactivate” it
Bruce lipton

Bruce H. Lipton is an affable, humble man, whose head has not gone up in smoke despite the success of his books, such as The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and miracles.

Interview with Bruce H. Lipton

To what extent do you apply your theories?
To the point that I have not been to the doctor for more than 40 years, nor have I taken any drugs. I am 71 years old and I feel like a spring flower.

Congratulations. And how does he do it?
I do my best to avoid stress. Stress is responsible for 90% of diseases. Our body usually works well, and stress makes us out of harmony.

How do you avoid feeling stressed?
I don’t worry about almost anything. Before, if something didn’t work out in my life, I would get anxious. But these days, if something doesn’t work, my thoughts are very different. I think that if that does not have to work, or a project does not have to go ahead, or an unforeseen event has arisen, it is for some reason that escapes me, and that everything is fine.

Everything is as it should be.
Everything is as it should be, and everything is perfect.

We must not let ourselves be sabotaged by negative thoughts, which tend to arise from our subconscious mind.

It is very easy to say.
It is a matter of practice. It is about not letting ourselves be sabotaged by negative thoughts, which tend to arise from our subconscious mind. We have two minds: a conscious, creative mind, which is connected to our personality, and the subconscious, which is not creative and repeats programs. Most people believe that they operate in their life on the basis of the conscious mind, but 95% of their life comes from subconscious programs that they learned during the first seven years of life. Until we are seven years old, we are like camcorders, we record everything. Therefore, our basic programs come from the behavior of others. Especially from our parents.

Can some of these programs be “uninstalled”?
There are more and more efficient and fast techniques to achieve this. I usually talk about the Psych-k method because it is the one that has worked for me. Brain mapping studies reveal that this method induces a state of brain unification in which both the left and right hemispheres begin to work together. But there are many more methods, and more and more psychologists are using them.

What else do you do to be, at 71, fresh as a rose?
I call it “living heaven on Earth.” I cultivate high emotions, such as joy or love, and that affects my cells. Not only to the health of my cells, but to their life expectancy. In the same way that stress or poor diet reduce life expectancy, gratitude, positive attitude, feeling useful, lengthens it. Our telomeres are connected to how we view life.

The most important thing must be love …
Indeed. With my wife I live a constant honeymoon. And that carries over to the biochemistry of my body. The brain is a machine for mixing love potions, supplied with an arsenal of neurochemicals and hormones. I cultivate high emotions, such as joy or love, and that affects not only the health of my cells, but their life expectancy.

I cultivate high emotions, such as joy or love, and that affects the health of my cells and their life expectancy

And when he gets angry with his wife, what does he do?
We have long made a habit of silently reconnecting with each other through physical contact (touching our hands, or arms, or even just knees) rather than arguing over who is right. No matter how bad we feel, we have to sit together without talking or arguing to connect on a deeper level than words. With my wife we ​​forget the details of the fight, we get in touch with each other and things settle down.

You suffered an ordeal when you dared to affirm that we are not determined by our genes.
Back then, 40 years ago, my fellow scientists called me “crazy.” Today in their classes they teach what I discovered, to be said with modesty. And they say to me: “Bruce, when are you going to discover something new?” Anyway, the best thing I could do was get out of that scientific community. Even today, unfortunately, there are many interests of the pharmaceutical companies that control the research.

Pharmaceutical companies are not interested in investigating the possibilities that the body has to heal itself …
They cannot put energy in a pill; there is nothing tangible to sell. Doctors tell you: “Take that pill”; but they don’t usually tell you: “Change your lifestyle.” Most of our illnesses come from lifestyle.

Let’s knock on wood, but the day will come when he will get sick and die. Are you afraid of death?
The day I die, if I may joke, there will be another Bruce H. Lipton.

In other words, do you believe in reincarnation.
One hundred percent.

But you are a scientist.
I give you the scientific explanation. Our cells have their own identity. In each cell there are small antennae, receptors. Yours are different from mine. There is a television show , as it were, that is broadcast from a place that is not my body. My identity, my receivers, pick up this signal that comes from outside. When you are born, you are like a television in which “the Bruce H. Lipton show ” begins , or “the Gaspar Hernández show ”. But when you die, the show doesn’t end. Only the television stops working.

It’s hard to believe…
If we place some of our cells tens of kilometers from us, they capture exactly the same show. That it does not come from our body.

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