How To Keep The Body Alkaline

An alkaline body is a healthy body and keeping the body alkaline is a matter of pH and emotional balance.
keep body alkaline

Everything in life is a question of balance, but perhaps one of the fundamental points of balance is the one that our body tries to maintain daily to be healthy. The human body by nature needs to be in precise conditions of internal balance to enjoy well-being and good health.

The importance of keeping the body alkaline

The body’s pH is the barometer that allows us to measure this degree of balance and that tells us whether a body is healthy or sick, according to its degree of acidity or alkalinity.

New studies are showing the importance of maintaining a slightly alkaline body to prevent such severe and common diseases as allergies, autoimmune diseases and even cancer.

Remember the pH strips you used in high school chemistry classes? On the pH scale, 14 is totally alkaline, 7 is neutral and between 0 and 6 acidic. Although not all the fluids in our body have the same degree of pH to maintain their balance, the blood must always remain at a slightly alkaline pH between 7.3-7, otherwise the cells would become ill. That is why our body will do the impossible to maintain this balance.

An acidifying lifestyle

We always hear it said that the type of diet we follow affects our levels of acidification of the blood but when we lead a lifestyle dominated by stress, chemicals, negative thoughts and no sports, our body has to work harder to achieve a condition stable internal. All these factors directly affect our pH level.

We know that food is not the only thing that fuels our cells and just eating well does not guarantee that we are healthy. So we must treat health from a more holistic point of view, much broader, always considering the most primary foods, our personal relationships and our emotions. A negative feeling such as sadness, hatred, fear, jealousy, stress or extreme fatigue can cause more acidification in the body than eating a donut.

How does the acid-base balance work?

All the cells that make up our body need to feed, eliminate waste and constantly renew themselves. In this sense, the blood fulfills two vital functions:

  1. Bringing the oxygen and nutrients they need to all cells
  2. Remove from them the toxic and acid residues that are produced as a result of the metabolism of these nutrients

These toxic wastes are evacuated from the body through the natural routes of elimination (kidneys, intestines, skin and lungs). Therefore, it is essential to keep our natural “filters” clean, because if they become clogged, problems begin to arise.

When a filter is not clean and consequently cannot eliminate toxic waste, such as uric acid, our body will start a battle to prevent said acid waste from going into the bloodstream and changing the pH of the blood.

The “survival” mechanism that the body first activates is to remove calcium from the bones and inject it into the blood to neutralize the pH again, since calcium is one of the most alkalizing minerals that we have in the body.

This should not be a problem if it happens from time to time since the body is prepared for it. But if it becomes a common state that lasts over time, it will lead to serious health problems, such as bone decalcification and osteoporosis.

What happens when our body is not alkaline?

When our body is not kept in a slightly alkaline state, we can suffer a condition called acidosis.

What are the most common symptoms of acidosis?

  • Cardiovascular conditions
  • Weight gain, obesity, and diabetes
  • Excess load on the kidneys and stone formation
  • Wasting and loss of muscle mass
  • Immunodeficiencies
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Premature aging
  • Osteoporosis
  • Cavities
  • Joint pain, muscle pain, and gout
  • Lack of energy and chronic fatigue
  • Slow digestions
  • Fungi, infections and viruses
  • Sadness, tendency to depression, nervousness and irritability
  • Acidic saliva, swollen and sensitive gums, high irritation of the tonsils and pharyngitis.

What foods help us to alkalize our body?

Although diet is not everything when it comes to preventing our body from becoming too acidic, it does play a key role. There are foods that will work against us and foods that will help our body stay in a more alkaline state.

Acidic foods

In general, foods rich in saturated fats, sugars and refined flours and proteins are acidifying. Especially foods of animal origin, such as meat or dairy and processed and industrialized products.

Alkaline foods

Alkalizing foods will be those that contain a good dose of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium, like most fruits and vegetables. So our best alkaline allies to maintain blood balance are par excellence green juices and smoothies, sprouts, some seeds, vegetables and especially green leafy ones.

So how can I keep my body alkaline?

Eat well with a predominance of vegetables, with a good part raw, drink alkaline water, play sports, breathe, make love, look for moments of peace, smile and give thanks every day.

In short, be happy! Because every thought, every attitude and every gesture counts.

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