Infusion Of Hawthorn To Strengthen The Heart

Everything from hawthorn is used: flowers, leaves and berries. They contain tannins, polyphenols, flavonoids and other active ingredients that promote heart health.
White hawthorn

Hawthorn ( Crataegus oxycantha et monogyna ) has been important in Europe for many centuries and legends about the plant attest to this. One of these legendary stories tells that the crown of thorns with which Jesus of Nazareth was martyred was made of hawthorn. Its active principles have a positive effect on cardiac function and circulation, and protect the heart from premature wear. Older people in particular can benefit from the effects of hawthorn.

An easy way to use it is to drink the infusion. You can prepare a hawthorn extract from leaves, flowers and fruits. If you want, you can even learn to harvest the plant and prepare your infusion with fresh raw material.

Hawthorn infusion made from flowers and leaves

In spring, the hawthorn shows its lush white flowers. During this time, the leaves and flowers are harvested at the same time, because then the content of active ingredients in the leaves is higher. To do this, remove the tips of the shoots with your fingernails or small scissors and collect them in a bag or basket.

When you get home, place the flowers and leaves in a shady spot to dry. The best way is to spread them on a cloth or newspaper. Do not put them in a drafty place because they will fly off. They can be kept completely dry, hermetically sealed, for example in glass jars with a screw cap, until next spring.

If you do not have a hawthorn bush in your own garden, or in a pot on the balcony, look for a bush in a nearby forest, if not, you always have the option of buying the dried plant at the herbalist. Remember that if you go to the forest to harvest, it should not be noticed that you have been there. Take the bare minimum, enough for your personal use for a short period of time.

To make an infusion with flowers and leaves:


  • 2 teaspoons of fresh flowers and leaves or a teaspoon of dried leaves
  • 250 milliliters of water


  1. Put the fresh or dried leaves in a mug.
  2. Add the boiling water, cover the cup with a saucer and let it steep for five to ten minutes.
  3. Pass the infusion through a strainer and it is ready to drink.

You can drink two to three cups of infusion throughout the day. After taking it for about eight weeks, it is advisable to take a break of two weeks.

Depending on the symptoms, hawthorn tea can be mixed with other medicinal plants, such as motherwort or jiaogulan for heart problems or lavender and valerian for nervousness and sleep problems.

Hawthorn berry infusion

The hawthorn is not only usable in spring, but also in autumn. Once the flowers have withered, the fruits are quick to ripen and be usable. When the berries are bright red, floury and slightly sweet it is the best time to harvest them. Once you have dried them, these berries can be stored for a long time and used throughout the year.

How to prepare an infusion of hawthorn berries:


  • 1 tablespoon hawthorn berries
  • 250 ml of water


  1. Take a tablespoon of berries in a cup or small saucepan and pour 250 ml of warm water on top.
  2. Cover the pot and let them soak for twelve hours, preferably overnight.
  3. The next day, bring the soaking water to a boil along with the berries and then let it steep for five minutes.
  4. It only remains to strain it and take it. It is preferable to take it warm.

Properties of hawthorn infusion

Of course, any symptoms you have should be consulted with a doctor and not wait for the hawthorn to fix it. Once you have a diagnosis, the plant can help you.

With its properties that promote blood circulation and regulate blood pressure, hawthorn strengthens the heart and can alleviate many heart problems. It can be used as an aid in case of palpitations, pain and mild cardiac arrhythmias. In addition, it counteracts high and low blood pressure, as well as circulatory disorders and the sensation of pressure and tightness in the heart area.

The hawthorn infusion also has a calming effect on headaches, migraines, sleep disorders and nervousness during menopause.

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