8 Keys To Stop Constipation

Healthy habits that allow you to gain abdominal well-being
8 keys against constipation

Constipation is relatively frequent, for example during pregnancy, in elderly people , when habits are changed when traveling and in situations of fatigue, nervousness and little physical activity.

The normal frequency varies from one person to another, but the normal thing is to evacuate more than three times a week, if possible every day.

The symptoms of constipation, especially chronic, are: abdominal discomfort, lack of appetite and headache due to the accumulation of toxic material in the intestine. To avoid this, some measures can be taken.

1. Water

It is recommended to drink plenty of water. One to two liters a day.

2. Fiber

It is advisable to eat vegetables, fruits, vegetables, whole wheat bread and other foods rich in fiber on a regular basis.

3. Regularity

It is good to eat at regular times, slowly and chewing well.

4. Inappropriate foods

It is recommended to avoid coffee, tea and starchy foods as much as possible.

5. Time to evacuate

The urge to evacuate should never be suppressed. It is convenient to follow a regular schedule and try to do it with enough time and without haste.

6. Physical exercise

Practiced in moderation it is of great help to regulate constipation.

7. Mild laxatives

Repeated use of irritating laxatives can lead to intestinal disturbances and create habit.

Better to use, if necessary, mild vegetable laxatives, for example those that act by lubricating the intestine with mucilaginous substances that facilitate the expulsion of feces, for example plantago seeds or psyllium.

8. Chronic constipation

In cases of chronic constipation, other procedures can be used, such as enemas or enemas, which, although they are useful in principle to get out of the way, have the disadvantage of accustoming the intestine to forced stimulation.

The so-called “colon hydrotherapy”, which is performed with a device available in some naturopathic clinics, may also be of interest. But it has to be done under medical supervision given the drastic nature of the system.

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