The Three Typologies Of Ayurveda. Which Is Yours?

According to Ayurveda, each person expresses a unique combination of the three doshas or humors. Knowing the one that predominates in you will allow you to choose foods that balance you.

In Ayurveda, each of us has a constitution, and based on it, the therapist establishes a regime of life that balances the whole. This constitution is determined by the activity of the three doshas or humors, which are vata, pitta and kapha.

Each of them corresponds to an energy and each person has a different combination of them, in which one or two predominate. Kapha identifies with body water ; Pitta is fire that gives heat, and Vata is associated with air. Here you have more information about them.

What is your dosha: vata, pitta or kapha?

Your physical appearance, the traits of your personality or behaviors that are accentuated when you feel good or when you feel bad and some physical symptoms of imbalance help determine which dosha is predominant in each person.

Find out which one is yours with this little test and what are the basic recommendations to take care of yourself through diet in each case.

According to your general appearance

Your constitution, the appearance of your skin and hair, your eyes, your lips and the appearance of your teeth vary depending on whether one dosha or another predominates:

  • Vata: Slim, bony constitution; dry, rough, cold skin; sparse, dark, fine, curly hair; dry, dull small eyes; thin, dry lips; teeth sometimes misaligned.
  • Pitta: Constitution and middleweight; freckled skin; moderate hair or premature baldness, fine, soft, reddish or gray; piercing green, gray, or hazel eyes; medium-sized red or pink lips; medium teeth.
  • Kapha: Short stature, strong and well developed body; oily, soft, smooth skin; wavy, thick, thick, greasy, shiny hair; large, prominent, attractive eyes; strong, white teeth, firm and thick lips.

According to your positive mental traits

In personality, some virtues are more marked depending on your profile:

  • Vata: Strength, flexibility, imagination, sensitivity, spontaneity, positivity, speed (to learn, to forget), enthusiasm.
  • Pitta: Sharpness, intelligence, security, clarity, joy, ambition, friendly, courageous, independent, good memory.
  • Kapha: Calm, capacity to love, tolerance, serenity, wisdom, compassion, loyalty, patience, stability, slowness (to learn, to forget).

According to your negative mental traits

When the dosha is disturbed, the tendency to develop certain behaviors can be accentuated:

  • Vata: Anguish, agitation, feeling of emptiness, ungratefulness, nervousness, indecision, hyperactivity, reserve, addiction.
  • Pitta: Anger, cruelty, irritability, criticism, jealousy, aggressiveness, conceit, domineering, arrogant, vindictive.
  • Kapha: Depression, possessiveness, lethargy, greed, desire to control, insecurity, apathy, vulgarity, laziness, materialism.

Based on your physical symptoms of the imbalance

Your predisposition to certain problems can also give information about what your predominant dosha is:

  • Vata: Insomnia, loss of appetite, gas, constipation, cramps, low back pain, varicose veins, joint popping.
  • Pitta: Hot flashes, heartburn, hemorrhoids, burning eyes, allergies, colitis.
  • Kapha: Sinus congestion, cough, cold, high cholesterol, asthma, overweight, diabetes, bronchitis.

How to balance doshas with food

If you are Vata, when excess air is generated, cooked foods are generally better for you than raw. They are especially recommended:

  • Vegetables: asparagus, garlic, green beans, leek, cooked onion, pumpkin, cooked cabbage.
  • Fruits: apples, apricots, kiwis.
  • Cereals and legumes: amaranth, whole wheat pasta, cooked oatmeal, seitan, lentils, millet, mung beans, tofu.
  • Others: pumpkin and sunflower seeds, nuts.

If you are a pitta, your allies are cold foods, to moderate the fire.

  • Vegetables: Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, artichokes, dandelions, lettuce, peas, peppers,
  • Fruits: avocados, berries, plums, pomegranates,
  • Cereals and legumes: amaranth, barley, whole wheat pasta, oat bran, basmati rice, chickpeas, soybeans, beans, lentils.
  • Others: rehydrated almonds and olive oil.

If you are kapha, you are interested in combating the heaviness of excess fluids with light foods.

  • Vegetables: Cabbages, leeks, mushrooms, onion, hot and sweet peppers, pumpkin, cooked tomato,
  • Fruits: apples, berries, plums and raisins,
  • Cereals and legumes: amaranth, barley, corn, couscous, oats, polenta, basmati rice, beans, chickpeas, lentils.
  • Others: flax and sunflower seeds.

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