Exercise To Relax The Sole Of The Foot

The feet endure a lot of pressure and aggressions at the end of the day. Giving them the attention they deserve improves their appearance and helps them gain well-being.
Self-massage and exercise to relax your feet

During the winter the feet are often the great forgotten of the organism, sheathed in shoes or slippers.

But before the heat invites us to release them and show them off, it is worth reflecting on the importance they have for our health, beyond the aesthetic question.

The feet not only constitute the base on which it is possible to stay in balance but their sensitive and painful areas remind us of their connection with the rest of the body.

Giving them basic care improves their appearance and contributes to gaining harmony and well-being.

What care should we regularly devote to the feet?

The care that can be provided to them is simple and basically consists of exfoliating, hydrating and massaging them.

When you get home you can raise your legs and perform an upward massage of about five minutes on each one, without creams or oils, from the foot to the groin. A cold shower will finish stimulating circulation.

Once in the shower, you can use a horsehair glove to massage the foot gently and circularly, without scratching to avoid injuring the skin. In addition to helping circulation, the skin is renewed.

For hardness you can also use a pumice stone or file. There are also specific exfoliating creams for the feet. The product is applied carefully, paying special attention to the heel and areas where calluses tend to form, and then rinsed off with water.

Relaxing self-massage for the feet

Once the feet are clean and exfoliated, they are hydrated with a relaxing massage.

  1. It begins with the fingers, one by one, moving the joints well, gently stretching them and separating them.
  2. Afterwards, it is suggested to entertain yourself on the floor with circular movements, insisting on the painful points but always gently.
  3. Next, it moves to the ankle area, moving the joint, and finally to the top of the foot.

This self-massage can be done after the ascending massage of the legs, to complete the circulatory activation.

To relax the sole of the foot

To alleviate the stresses that the foot can accumulate as a result of walking, inadequate footwear, overexertion … while sitting, a ball or circular object can be rolled over the entire sole.

Whenever possible, it is advisable to take off your shoes. At home you can go without shoes or socks.

And if you are near the beach, take a walk along the seashore. The sand massages the sole of the foot, which can move freely in all directions, while the sea water soothes swollen feet.

Decalogue to take care of the feet

The Official College of Podiatry of the Community of Madrid, aware that the feet are the great forgotten of the body during winter, has presented a decalogue to take care of them especially when temperatures drop. In summary, the decalogue says the following:

  1. You should choose your footwear well. Mainly it is important to wear the correct size: that the foot does not dance in the shoe, but that it does not tighten either.
  2. Wear socks made of natural fabrics. They are the ones that allow better perspiration and prevent the foot from sweating excessively.
  3. Do not use aggressive soaps on the feet. The most recommended, according to these specialists, is to use a neutral soap.
  4. Don’t forget hydration. Not only applying a moisturizer after washing, also drinking enough water. This prevents the feet from getting cold.
  5. Eat foods rich in vitamin C, E and K.
  6. Mobilize your feet often.
  7. Avoid high shoes.
  8. Do not put cold feet directly on a heat source.
  9. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco.
  10. Be vigilant when playing sports, as it can increase the possibility of foot injuries.

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