We Can Lose Weight With The Mind: 9 Psychological Tips

We know, anxiety and food compulsively go hand in hand. Is it real or emotional hunger? Your emotions affect your relationship with food. How?
lose weight with psychology

Are people who cannot control their weight unwilling? If you feel that your body is out of your control, and that your image and diets occupy 80% of your thoughts, you should look a little further and ask yourself what those kilos hide.

9 psychological tips to lose weight

Emotions make us fat and thin because the relationship between what we feel and what we eat is direct. If we unmask what the problem is, our mind will help us lose weight.

1. Discover what your kilos hide

Is it serious to be overweight? Yes, if you feel that your body is out of your will. Yes, if it is an aesthetic requirement and you impose yourself to have an “ideal” weight in your “ideal” life. Yes, if this problem hurts your ego. If this is your case, it is time to ask yourself if your discomfort and your extra kilos are hiding something that is not seen on the surface.

You have to learn to cope with emotions without resorting to weight loss plans that divert attention. Between diets and binges, many go unattended, for example, the feeling of vulnerability. Always looking strong is very difficult if you don’t arm yourself behind the kilos …

2. Don’t fight your body

When you understand that you cannot solve your problems through food, seek help. He thinks that relying on food as the only avenue of gratification is no “better” than asking for help for a while. You also can’t believe that you just need willpower because when you give up eating it becomes an obsession.

If you want to have “an ideal diet” to have “the ideal weight”, the intentions are very good, but the results are terrible. You have to free yourself from the shackles of food. You have to start listening to the body without fighting it. Caring for him when he’s tired, nurturing him when he’s hungry, and loving him when he needs affection.

3. Review your emotional deficiencies

If you eat without hunger, it is most likely that you will overindulge, because you will be under the influence of “emotional hunger”, which is precisely what you do not control. Review your emotions and thus you will recognize why your brain leads you to eat like this.

And let yourself be guided freely by your wishes: a hot dish? Something light? Sweet or salt? Allow your desire to be satisfied, give yourself that pleasure. And just stop eating when you feel like “enough” is enough. Thus, you will be in a position to recognize your level of satisfaction from emotional hunger and real hunger.

4. Ally yourself with your brain

Try to make a change in your mind, yourself and your image. Sharing your affairs with your closest friends, instead of making up for problems by pouncing on the chocolate bars. Sometimes it is the need for communication and unsatisfied affection that prompts us to eat.

Keep in mind the “ideal” image of yourself, the one you want to achieve. You visualize it and thus your brain becomes an ally and your body will want to make it come true. Little by little, you will leave behind the fact of achieving ephemeral satisfaction through binge eating.

5. Love yourself more before a binge

As you go through the process, if you binge out of control, the last thing you have to do is hate yourself for your “weakness. It’s done: now enjoy the flavors, textures, color and aroma of what you are putting in your mouth. It is a good resource to stop “devouring”.

And don’t be ashamed, because you haven’t done anything wrong. After the binge, be kind to yourself, forgive yourself and in no case deprive yourself of eating the next day or skip meals to make up for it. If you resort to fasting or drastic diets later to punish yourself, chances are that at the least expected moment you will relapse into binge eating.

6. Visualize your new ideal state

Eat like you feel thin and do it in full view of everyone. As if you have already achieved your ideal weight, so your brain will help you achieve it. Prepare something that you like very much, do it with care and dedication and sit quietly at the table. The more attention you put into preparing food, the more mindful you will be at this moment.

And always sitting at the table. Sitting down to eat means “deciding” to eat: knowing what you are doing, seeing what you are going to put in your mouth, relating in a close and natural way with food.

7. While you eat, just eat

Eliminate all convictions that cause “mental obesity” by re-educating your mind. The easier you think it is to lose weight, the easier it will be. Use the word to reprogram your way of thinking. And do not entertain yourself by watching television or reading the newspaper or playing music.

It is important to enjoy the senses while you eat. When you eat, eat. Find a pleasant and comfortable environment and avoid stress while eating.

8. Change from the inside out

It is important that you bear in mind the change that is taking place. And that this change is from the inside out. As you review your emotions, as your brain visualizes the new image, the body makes it come true.

Make this image a habit, remember it throughout the day. You will see how you are more aware of what you put in your mouth, without fooling yourself.

Go ahead and keep a journal. Write down your sensations, feelings, desires … Write and live, instead of “choking” on what you would like to eliminate from your life.

9. Nourish the mind and body

Each food not only provides us with nutrients, it also gives us energy, affects us emotionally and cognitively and has a lot to do with our reactions.

One way to become aware is to ask yourself how your body received each of the dishes you have offered. How have you reacted to the salad, the paella, the cake? Which ones have satisfied you the most or have given you the greatest degree of well-being? Which ones do you want to try again? It will help you create a new relationship with food.

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