How To Take Stock Of The Year (emotional)

The Christmas holidays are a unique opportunity to assess, from a psychological and emotional point of view, what goals we have exceeded this year. Also to weigh what other aspects of our life we ​​want to improve during the next one.

Rest days encourage reflection and introspection. For this reason, on these dates of change of year and cycle, I always like to dedicate a session, with the people who come to my office, to take stock of the progress we have made in their therapy during the year that is to come. nearing completion.

We also take advantage of this situation, to plan the areas in which we will have to work during the next one, so that they can achieve their therapeutic objectives. I’m not talking about reviewing the typical goals that we all set for ourselves at the beginning of the year (eat better, exercise more, travel more, etc.). This analysis includes other more psychological aspects such as overcome fears, reprogrammed family patterns or reinforced self-esteem.

In consultation we always approach this analysis from a positive point of view. People rejoice and take pride in the achievements they have made, while weighing up the goals they have not been able to achieve without pushing themselves. Philosophy must always be to learn from error and take it as an opportunity to draw conclusions, readjust what we need and refocus, from a new perspective, on the problem. How to do this balance?

Remember that this emotional balance of the year is very personal and that everyone must draw their own conclusions.

  • There are some general aspects, valid for everyone (I will detail them below), that we can review when undertaking this balance. Perhaps they will serve as a guide for you, too, to carry out your own emotional review of the year we left behind. Although do not forget, each person is different and carries their individual history.
  • At each of these points, we can ask ourselves some questions, by way of guidance. For example: Have I improved or have I stagnated? What can I learn and what conclusions can I draw? What do I want to consider for next year?
  • Take advantage of this article to reflect on the year that is about to end, to extract as much learning as possible and to continue, during the next year, focusing on the achievement of your well-being.

Have you connected with yourself?

Due to the pressures they receive from family, school and society, many people withdraw from themselves and their true physical and emotional needs. To meet the expectations of others or to prevent them from getting angry, they conform, they do not protest and they learn to be more aware of others than of themselves.

  • The time has come to move a little more each year in the right direction, not outward but inward, increasingly connected with ourselves, paying attention to our own wants and needs, not those of others.

Do you keep repeating familiar patterns?

Almost without realizing it, we repeat patterns or attitudes that we have seen, since we were born, in our parents and / or grandparents (addictions, yelling, anxiety, etc.). We have internalized them in such a way that in moments of greatest tension, even if we don’t like them, they are harmful and we have promised ourselves never to repeat them, they appear automatically.

  • Do not worry or whip yourself if you keep falling into them, think that they have always been there and cannot be changed overnight.
  • The important thing is that you identify them and work to free yourself from them. Think that your parents had circumstances that are not yours. What served them may no longer serve you.

Do you know what your path is?

As we free ourselves from the burdens of the past and the shackles that governed our thinking, we can look inward and connect more directly with our intuition. From this place, we can feel what we want to do, how we want to live our life and what path we should take.

  • Trust yourself and find out what you have always liked, what filled you up and made you feel good when you were little. Listen to the signs that tell you where your path is.

Have you focused on what is important?

Many times, we tend to worry in an exaggerated way about things that, when we analyze them in perspective, are not so important.

  • We must learn to give each event the relevance it truly has, no more, no less. In this way, situations that do not deserve it will stop generating anxiety and we will have more energy to deal with those that are really important.

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