How To Take Care Of Your Lungs To Breathe Better

We can intervene in breathing, to make it calmer and deeper, for example, and this is reflected in the mood and activity of other organs.

We are seldom aware of our lungs and breathing. On the other hand, this fundamental organ for life deserves that we give it the attention it deserves to promote its vitality. The structure of the lung shows the importance of exercising, adopting a correct body posture and maintaining a calm and conscious state of mind so that it can carry out all its functions.

A posture that bends the back excessively and continuously – as in the case of some students or people who spend many hours in front of the computer – can significantly reduce respiratory function. And an agitated or stressed state of mind can be the cause of short, arrhythmic breathing.

Respiratory anatomy

Starting from the larynx, the trachea divides into two bronchi, one towards each lung; in turn, the main bronchi are subdivided into smaller and smaller bronchioles, until they reach a rounded cul-de-sac: the pulmonary alveolus.

It is in this functional unit, surrounded by blood capillaries, where respiratory gas exchange takes place ; that is, where the oxygen that we have inspired from the atmosphere is taken in order to metabolize energy and the carbon dioxide produced by the cells in this process is eliminated.

The interior of the bronchi is lined in turn by a layer of mucous cells, which contain cilia, filiform structures, like microscopic “hairs”, endowed with movement. The cilia have the important function of generating a movement similar to the waves of the sea. This allows the protective mucus layer that naturally occurs in the bronchi to rise, together with all the elements that have been attached to it, to be expelled to the outside.

The lungs are externally protected by a double lubricated membrane – the pleura – and are limited inferiorly by the diaphragm, an umbrella-shaped muscle that, with its contraction, facilitates breathing. They are separated from each other by abundant lymph nodes and by the mediastinum, the cavity in which the heart is located.

The pyramidal lung shape makes them more active in the middle and lower part, where there is more capacity, than in the upper vertex. However, people who practice sports also use the apical zone, which promotes better heart function.

If the lung is diseased

After the flu and trivial colds of the nose and throat, bronchitis is the most common disease of the respiratory system. The ending itis means inflammation, in this case of the bronchi, and this usually happens due to infectious causes.

When bacteria colonize the bronchial mucosa, it becomes inflamed, causing coughing, expectoration of yellowish or greenish mucosa, and fever. However, this inflammation can also be due to environmental or toxic causes.

Thus, tobacco use is a frequent cause of bronchitis, but so is breathing gases from industrial areas or polluted urban air. A bronchitis usually resolves well in about 7-10 days.

However, if the mucus generated hinders its own drainage and accumulates in the bronchi and alveoli, it can easily become superinfected and cause pneumonia. In these cases the classic naturopathic treatment is likely to be effective; that is: bed rest, hydrotherapy wraps, elderflower infusions, lemon juice with hot water and honey, eucalyptus or rosemary mist … and perhaps homeopathic help.

Acupuncture can also be effective by placing the needles at points with a special elimination function. In very weak people, the elderly or young children, it may be necessary to resort to conventional treatment based on antibiotics or even bronchodilators, given the ever-present risk that the situation evolves into pneumonia.

Allergy and emotional problems

Sometimes the lung is not sick from an infectious cause, or from pollutants or toxic agents, and instead the person suffers from a cough, perhaps very intense or incompatible with normal daily activity. This is the case, for example, in allergy cases, in which the lung overreacts to an external microscopic agent, such as plant pollen or mites.

Also in these cases you can opt for a naturopathic treatment, based on regular diet, a more conscious management of emotions and toning of vital energy through hydrotherapy, acupuncture and plants that stimulate the immune system.

The homeopathic treatment individualized can be very effective in allergy. And also in those situations in which, for example, a person has a cough, fatigue, poor appetite, perhaps for months, while the scans (analyzes, X-rays, CTs …) do not detect anything.

Examining the circumstances in depth, an emotional stagnation is often observed , perhaps a deep sadness, partly camouflaged, which seems to have left its mark on the lung. Cough, cough and more cough, with or without expectoration, and it does not go away. It is then when it is necessary to investigate the possible emotional causes of such a situation and when psychotherapy or homeopathy mobilize valuable resources.

An essential factor to tone the lung and improve lung capacity and the use of oxygen breathed is to practice physical exercise.

Exercise as therapy

An essential factor to tone the lung and improve lung capacity and the use of oxygen breathed is physical exercise. Training in a sport suited to our tastes, physical aptitudes and time available exercises lung capacity in an excellent way.

If it is also carried out outdoors, the beneficial action is completed with exposure to sunlight (synthesis of vitamin D), decrease in blood pressure and blood glucose levels, normalization of cholesterol levels and greater mental well-being and emotional.

Biking, running, swimming, dancing, skiing, or just taking a vigorous walk outside tones lung capacity and injects oxygen into cells. This not only benefits the muscles, but also the internal organs and especially the skin.

All this is reflected in a greater capacity to make efforts and in an improvement of digestive, kidney, immune, endocrine functions, mood, sleep and higher mental functions.

Exercise also lowers levels of adrenaline – the stress hormone – and raises endorphins and other brain substances that relieve emotional tension and improve mood.

A secret of yoga

Yoga provides an exercise that brings together all these benefits, called kapalabhati – in Sanskrit, kapala means skull and bhati , brilliant. It belongs to pranayama (techniques to control prana or vital energy), and it is also one of the main cleansing exercises ( kriyas ).

In the same way that every morning, when we wake up, we ventilate the rooms of the house, it would also be useful to perform this exercise to air our lungs. Kapalabhati is practiced sitting, with a straight back, and consists of a series of rhythmic contractions of the abdomen, which place the attention in a series of forced exhalations, followed by a deep inspiration and retention of the breath.

The abdominal contractions are responsible for the feeling of clearing the lungs, and retention of breath increased energy overall.

This simple exercise, performed constantly, cleanses the respiratory system from the inside out, dissipates spasms of the bronchial tubes (improves asthma and bronchiectasis), removes excess accumulated mucus, massages the internal organs, strengthens the abdominal muscles, irrigates thoroughly the brain and induces a state of greater self-awareness and peace of mind.

After doing it, it will be easier to enjoy a full breath, taking in the air we need each time and emptying the lungs well.

3 plants for the lung

1. Mullein

It is part of all the formulas to treat bronchitis and cough with expectoration.

2. Elderberry

The infusion of its flowers promotes sweating, facilitates the expulsion of mucus and deflates the respiratory tract.

3. Coltsfoot

It is an exceptional expectorant, which calms both productive and irritating coughs.

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