Self-massage Of Feet: Relaxing And Painless

relaxing foot massage

The foot, a mirror map of your body and your internal organs

For foot reflexology, all parts of the body are manifested on the sole of the foot. From the physical point of view, the relationship is understood as a response of the nervous system. At the energy level, more typical of Traditional Chinese Medicine or other techniques, it is explained with the idea that each part of the body manifests its totality. Thus, what happens on the sole of the foot is found in the ear or the palm of the hand.

The best thing is that reflexotherapy works, as can be seen in the work with needles in the ear that was studied in both China and France in the middle of the last century with Dr. Paul Nogier.

The different organs, glands and the musculoskeletal system are drawn on the reflexological map of the foot. Looking for the location of our painful points we can better understand what happens to us inside. Find out which organs complain or are most sensitive to finger pressure.

We can also put more intention in some areas that, thanks to a previous diagnosis, we know that they suffer some alteration.

How to practice self-massage to increase its effects

When it comes to giving ourselves a self-massage, we must remain vigilant in some aspects and at the same time these will make us more present, with an attitude of attention. Although we dedicate little time to it, if we do it with awareness it will allow us to detect subtle changes.

Even putting emphasis on the painful areas, we have to expand our field of action and try to reach the entire foot. We can apply massage oil, creams and aromatherapy depending on the physical state in which we are and what we want to achieve or enhance.

At the end, we stop for a moment to assess the difference between how we were before and how we feel after the massage. Not just looking for changes in the feet, but observing the rest of the body and the mood.

What do your feet say about your health?

Finding a little time for yourself and your feet is a welcome routine, but you also have to invest in learning. With practice you will be able to recognize subtle changes in the feet through touch and visual observation, and with this feel what you need inside, what affects you and what moves your emotions.

You can also discover new warts or corns. If the hydration or color of the skin changes and it appears dry or with eczema. Modifications in the form of freckles, moles or in the appearance of the nails. Know the shape and position of the fingers. If there are scars or cracks.

Depending on where the news appears, the feet are telling us one thing or another. To interpret the language of the feet we must get a reflexological map (on the internet it is very simple). If we relate the place where the transformation has occurred and what it is like, we will discover what happens to us inside.

These are some clues that our feet give us about what happens in other parts of our body:

  • Red tells us about accumulated heat
  • White indicates cold that can accumulate in the lower back and cause muscle pain. Activating the paler areas can warm the lower back.
  • The skin that flakes speaks of dryness of an organ, such as the lung.
  • And if we think about emotions, the liver area will complain if we are stressed.

They are examples of what we can “read” on the sole of the foot in conjunction with a reflexology map. It is a game and at the same time a key to know a little more about our body.

We all tend to relapse into the same imbalances and health problems. With the experience gained with the time that we have devoted to getting to know our feet, we will know what will be the points that usually respond with pain during the massage.

It is curious to feel, in the first massages, as small crystals similar to sugar. We would say that they are the physical expression of internal blockages that thanks to massage we can dissolve.

If you self-massage regularly, the painful reflex areas will generally decrease and we will feel more balanced and more resistant to suffering any alteration at the first change.

Purify the body through foot massage

The body reacts after the self-massage, gives responses and informs us with various signals. Most normal is an increase in urine secretion. It is advisable to end the session in the (reflex) area of ​​the bladder. It is like pushing all the toxins that have been mobilized in the massage towards the easiest way for their subsequent expulsion.

We can also observe an increase in salivation, an increase in body sweating or the appearance of a runny or runny nose.

All are resources of the body to clean itself.

Likewise, the doors can be “opened” so that repressed emotions come out and are expressed in the form of tears or dreams. Better to let ourselves be carried away by what appears and not to put up barriers to what a part of ourselves asks of us.

Finally, the body may demand rest and we become deeply drowsy.

Contraindications of foot reflexology

Self-massage is a very safe care, but some contraindications should be noted. Due mainly to the ignorance of pressure zones, something that does not interest us can be activated.

In case of pregnancy, especially during the first three months, it is better not to massage.

The same precaution is recommended if we suffer from a disorder in the feet or if the legs swell abnormally. In febrile processes it is not recommended either.

Once these warnings are made, I encourage you to make the self-massage on the feet a traveling companion to balance the daily stresses. It will surely give you pleasant sensations.

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