Test: Do You Bring Mindfulness Into Your Daily Life?

Choose the option that best reflects your situation. Each item on the questionnaire will help you become aware of how close or far you are from living with mindfulness.

Write one of these answers for each question, then count to find out the interpretation:

1. Never or very rarely true

2. Rarely true

3. Sometimes true

4. Often true

5. Very often or always true

Do you bring mindfulness into your everyday life?

1. When I shower or bathe, I become aware of the sensations of the water on my body.

2. I am able to find the right words when writing my feelings.

3. I don’t pay attention to what I ‘m doing because I’m daydreaming, preoccupied with other things, or distracted.

4. I think some of my thoughts are not normal or bad and I shouldn’t think that way.

5. When I have thoughts or images that disturb me, I “stop” and realize it without being carried away by them.

6. I perceive how food and drink affect my thoughts, body sensations, and emotions.

7. I have trouble thinking of the right words to express how I feel about things.

8. I do jobs or tasks automatically without realizing what I am doing.

9. I think some of my emotions are bad or inappropriate and I shouldn’t feel them.

10. When I have thoughts or images that disturb me, I am able to realize it without reacting.

11. I pay attention to sensations, such as the wind in my hair or the sun on my face.

12. Even when I feel very upset, I find a way to put it into words.

13. I find myself doing things without paying attention.

14. I tell myself that I shouldn’t feel the way I do.

15. When I have images or thoughts that disturb me, I notice them and let them go.


The results of the questionnaire responses (questions 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 13 and 14 are scored inversely) and divided by 15.

People who practice mindfulness are between 2 and 3. If you have been meditating for 1-2 years, it is usually above 3.5. After more than 5 years it usually rises above 4.

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