Learn To Love Thanks To Children, In 5 Keys

If we have children or have contact with them through our jobs or our family situation, we will know that we have the best opportunity to learn to love.
Pretty girl

Children are pure merit because they depend on the care of the elderly. It is the period of life in which they are willing to receive all the love and protection they need. That is why for adults it is a unique opportunity. How can we love them?

Love children and learn from them, in 5 basic keys

The following keys will help you understand the innocence of children and how they feel and express their affection. This knowledge will not only make you a better father or mother, but will also allow you to gain authenticity and vital wisdom.

1. Being millimetrically attentive to your requirements

One of the keys is to recognize and attend to their needs, finding a way to facilitate each daily movement. If we put aside our prejudices – organized on the basis of heartbreak and disenchantment – it will be very easy and your day to day will be full of happy moments.

2. Forget about educating them and focus on accompanying them

To love children we do not need opinions, or define what is right or wrong. It is not about offering them a good education. No child asks to be polite. Children only need to be loved.

3. Is loving them responding to everything they ask for?

Yeah right. What if they ask for something that is not appropriate? So, in that instant, let’s review the course of our own childhood and record how many walls we have built between ourselves and external reality. Let’s try to undo the hardness of those stones looking for some logic to sustain so much coldness and so many preconceptions that have ruined us. Then let’s look at the child cleanly again and think if it is so difficult to offer him what he asks of us.

4. It’s okay if you ever give in to their requests

We can do the test and loosen only once. Want to eat in bed while watching cartoons on TV? Let’s see … what happens if we get into bed with him and accompany him? Is something serious happening? Is the world falling? Or on the contrary, afterwards the child will be well disposed and happy?

5. No stress: love and accompany from relaxation

Loving children is relaxed. It is just about listening to what they ask to offer them exactly that. Hug them when they want. Get into bed with them when they ask for it. Eat what they like and only the amount they want. Organize daily life based on their rhythms and not according to the rhythm of the elderly. Do not allow any adult to harm or offend you. Be available and attentive. That is loving them.

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