6 Proven Properties Of Holy Basil

Science has proven several therapeutic effects of this plant, important in traditional Indian medicine, that you can grow at home.
Tulsi holy basil

Holy basil ( Ocimum sanctum ) has a variety of proven benefits for common disorders. It is also a plant that is easily grown at home.

A pot will provide you with fresh leaves when you need them to take care of your health and even to add them to your dishes, as it is also a culinary ingredient.

6 therapeutic benefits of Indian basil

1. Fight against infections

Basil essential oil has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral action. You can use infusions or tinctures to relieve symptoms of colds, flu, and other viral infections.

In addition, its aroma repels mosquitoes and other insects (it also reduces the discomfort if the bite has occurred; you just have to apply the leaves).

The infusion is prepared with 2 or 3 teaspoons of fresh leaves and they are left to infuse for 5-6 minutes.

1. Reduce stress

It is an adaptogenic plant that helps to regain balance in stressful situations. It can be as effective as an anxiolytic, without its risks, according to a study published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine.

Experts recommend taking 500 mg of dry extract a day to combat anxiety. The source of stress can be emotional, but holy basil also helps when the cause is physical overload or environmental pollution.

On the other hand, some athletes take it to improve endurance and physical performance.

2. Fight inflammation

The essential oil and extract reduce the reaction to environmental allergens. They also decrease edema in inflamed areas more effectively than indomethacin, according to a study released in the International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences.

The anti-inflammatory property makes holy basil indicated in diseases such as arthritis and fibromyalgia.

For these indications, take one drop of tincture a day. You can make the tincture yourself. You have to fill a 1 liter glass jar that can be hermetically closed up to a third of the height with fresh leaves and fill it with 600 ml of vozka.

Leave the jar in a cool, dark place for 5 weeks, then strain the leaves. You can take one drop a day, leaving it under the tongue.

3. Regulates blood sugar

A study from Azad University (India) shows its efficacy in the complementary treatment of diabetes. You can take the infusion of 5 g of dried leaves (one cup a day).

In case of diabetes, the phytotherapist Beverly Yates recommends taking 2.5 grams of dry powder a day, or a cup (250 ml) of the infusion of 5 grams of dried leaves.

5. Protect the heart

An investigation carried out at the same university in India shows that adding the leaves as a condiment to dishes – they have a fresh and aniseed flavor – or taking the infusion serves to reduce the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood.

You can resort to this measure for a few months and check with an analysis if it has helped you in controlling your cholesterol.

6. Reduces the risk of cancer

Several phytochemicals present in the leaves are antioxidants and can prevent the appearance and development of certain types of cancer (skin, mouth, liver and lung).

Specifically, flavonoids such as orytin and vicenin, and other compounds such as eugenol, rosmarinic acid, apigenin and carnosic acid, protect cells against damage caused by carcinogenic ionizing radiation.

It still has more applications

The 6 applications listed are the ones with the most scientific evidence, but holy basil is used for a wide variety of symptoms. Traditional Indian medicine considers it a general tonic for the body, mind and spirit.

Some popular indications of different parts of the plant are:

  • Fresh flowers for bronchitis.
  • The mixture of the leaves and the seeds with black pepper is used in malaria.
  • The whole plant against diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
  • The leaf-based ointment for eczema.
  • The alcohol extract for stomach ulcers and eye diseases.
  • And the essential oil of the leaves for insect bites.

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