5 Symptoms That You Have Triggered Cortisol

In stressful situations, our body reacts by secreting cortisol. And an excess of this hormone causes discomfort, physical and mental tension.
Symptoms excess cortisol

When we are overwhelmed by the requirements of the environment (family responsibilities, work, illnesses, financial problems …) stress and a series of physiological changes are generated.

One of the most important effects is the secretion of cortisol, known as the stress hormone.

Excess cortisol causes, among other things, physical tension and mental exhaustion. It also releases triglycerides and fatty acids, causing cholesterol levels to increase.

Know if your body is making too much cortisol

These are some of the common symptoms caused by excess cortisol. Pay attention to them.

  1. Physical stress. Generally, there is the presence of muscle tension and contractures, permanent fatigue or exhaustion, chest pressure, tachycardia and sweating, palpitations and hyperventilation.
  2. Digestive upset Lack of appetite or excessive hunger, stomach problems (nausea, poor digestion …).
  3. Hormonal or skin disorders. The skin responds poorly to stressful situations and exacerbates problems such as acne or alopecia. Hormonal disturbances such as amenorrhea and infertility are also common.
  4. Mind exhausted. The stressed person often sleeps poorly, has trouble falling asleep, or wakes up after a short time. These chronic states of wakefulness or alertness end up affecting the ability to concentrate during the day and cause memory loss.
  5. Humor changes. As for the changes in behavior, they highlight a constant irritability, which is difficult to control, a lack of sense of humor and an apparently unfounded urge to cry.

Remedy it

Not everything that happens to us can be controlled, but the way to manage it is within our reach .

In addition, to reduce stress, it is convenient to carry out activities that are pleasant and help us to disconnect such as meditating, exercising or simply taking a step in nature.

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