5 Steps To Take Care Of Skin And Hair After The Summer

In the summer months the skin tends to dry out and harden. A set-up, through good exfoliation and hydration, allows you to continue enjoying healthy and well-hydrated skin.
Caring for hair and skin in summer

The days are starting to get shorter and the nights are cooler, but our skin may still have the trace of summer: an uneven tan tone, peeling and dryness caused by salt, chlorine and the sun.

The skin is much more than the largest organ of the body and its first defensive barrier against the aggressions of the environment. For this reason, cleaning it up after the summer is crucial for health, with the wonderful incentive of showing off radiant skin the rest of the year.

1. Exfoliate your skin

Cleaning the skin daily, preferably at night to remove makeup and dirt that accumulates in the pores, is as essential as hydration with a product that nourishes the skin without leaving a feeling of heaviness.

  • The exfoliation, which removes the first layer of the skin, provides a deep cleaning and is ideal to restore a fresher appearance after the summer. Exfoliating your skin at home is easy. It can be done several times a month, although it should not be done, and should be avoided if you have burned or irritated skin; in that case, first you have to hydrate well and wait for the problem to disappear.

2. Eliminate dead cells in delicate areas

The most delicate parts of the body, such as the face, neck and décolleté, should be treated with special attention . These areas, in general, suffer more, since together with the hands they are almost constantly exposed to the sun and their skin is very thin.

  • Perform a moist exfoliation in these areas , which is gentler. Scrubs made with oat flakes, for example, are soothing, removing that first layer of skin, mostly made up of dead cells. The ideal way to apply them is with your fingers, in an upward circular motion, without pulling or forcing the skin.
  • With a clean toothbrush, dead cells can be gently washed away from the lips, an essential part of the face that is often forgotten. You can also add a few drops of lemon or carefully apply the scrub on your face, as long as it is not too harsh.
  • On the rest of the body, a wet horsehair glove can be used to exfoliate clean skin. In the shower, for example. If a lot of blackheads have developed in the summer, a clay cleansing mask will gently remove impurities, but should not be allowed to dry completely, as this unnecessarily dries out the skin. The face, neck and décolleté are moistened, the clay mask is applied and, before it dries, circles are drawn with the fingers to remove impurities and dead cells; it is rinsed with cold water to close the pores.

3. Deeply hydrate with a mask

Hydration at this time of year should go beyond routine:

  • The moisturizing masks can restore the skin its natural freshness. They are usually left between 10 and 20 minutes and provide superior hydration. The best way to apply them is, again, with gentle upward circular movements, emphasizing the eye and mouth area. The neck and cleavage also benefit from these masks.
  • To remove them, it is advisable to use a cotton or soft towel and then apply the daily moisturizer. For the rest of the body, just apply a moisturizing product on clean skin after bathing and exfoliating. But it is not simply a matter of applying creams. Part of the dryness of the skin can be due to an unhealthy diet that dehydrates the body and affects especially the skin.
  • Drinking water, eating fruit or vegetables, opting for healthy fats like olive oil, or taking fish or flax oil supplements, rich in essential fatty acids, will brighten the skin and keep it hydrated.

4. Bring life back to your feet

  • Exfoliation. A bath with a leavened bread drink, sold in herbalists, helps to eliminate dead cells and fungi; then a dry towel is passed firmly over calluses and calluses. Another option is the pumice stone, but he rubs gently: the idea is to remove dead skin, not to reach the nerve endings.
  • Hydration. A special moisturizing product for feet or a thick hand cream can be used. If they are very dry, you can leave them without completely absorbing them and wrap them in a towel for a few hours so that they penetrate well.
  • Constancy. Repeat the process whenever necessary. The rest of the year continue to take care of your feet, wear comfortable shoes and maintain good posture, as everything influences the health and appearance of the feet.

5. Sanitize your hair

Hair also suffers in summer. To clean it up, it can be good to start with a haircut, even if it is only at the ends. What’s more;

  • The accumulated residues – beauty products, salt and sand – must be removed, something similar to exfoliating the skin. Colorless henna can be used, but only if your hair is not colored, as it can react with chemical dyes. For oily hair, tea tree oil hair products soothe and can help regulate oiliness.
  • Moisturize it at night with coconut oil, whether it is oily or dry hair, it restores shine; Of course, in the morning it should be washed with a mild shampoo so as not to dry out the scalp.

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