5 Keys To Living Longer And Better

What do you have to do to live longer? Older people can give us some clues.

The practice of healthy habits has a powerful influence on life expectancy. But what else can we do to lengthen our life?

1. Seeking peace with yourself

Evaristo García reached the age of 106 living in a small Galician village. He did not suffer from any major disorders and was self-sufficient for all those years. When asked what his secret is, he replied, “I never hurt anyone.”

2. More simplicity than advanced science

It is already a cliché to affirm that we live and will live more and more thanks to the development of medicine. But today’s centenarians do not live near the most modern hospitals, nor are they saved over and over again thanks to the latest advances. In general, they live near the countryside and lead a simple life.

3. Follow the natural rhythm of life

Centennial people rarely have lived stressful lives. However, they are active and often satisfied with their journey in life. Their greatest reward seems to feel appreciated by family, friends, and neighbors.

4. Eating nutrients that provide vitality

Either through food or supplements. They promote self-regeneration:

  • Coenzyme Q10: It is produced by the body but over the years a deficiency can occur. Protects different organs, especially the heart.
  • Beta-carotene: In the body it is transformed into vitamin A and it is an antioxidant. It prevents diseases such as cancer, heart disease, cataracts, ulcers and alterations of the skin and mucous membranes. It should be taken in moderate amounts within a multi-nutrient. It abounds in carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and other orange-colored foods.
  • Vitamin C: It is an antioxidant, but it stands out for its ability to stimulate immunity, increasing the number and effectiveness of T cells.
  • Vitamin E: This nutrient especially protects the membranes where processes essential for life and cell function take place.
  • Zinc: A trace element that favors immune efficacy in advanced ages. It has an antiviral effect.

5. Regain the connection with nature

Contact with natural elements promotes health in various ways.

  • Land. By walking barefoot on the ground or grass we get rid of static electricity that interferes with subtle physiological processes. Working in an orchard or garden makes us feel part of a living planet.
  • Air. The air of the sea, the countryside or the mountains contains more oxygen and fewer toxic compounds than that of cities. It is advisable to breathe it at least every weekend, if possible doing physical exercise with a certain intensity.
  • Water. On the shore of the sea or of a river, the atmosphere is charged with more negative ions that favor the recovery of balance. A simple shower at home relaxes, just like bathing in the middle of nature. It can be helpful to install a resin filter in your shower to get rid of chlorine.
  • Living beings. Being surrounded by plants and pets helps satisfy the need for contact with nature, beneficial for the body and mind.

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