5 Healthy Snacks To Snack On The Go

It is very easy to eat healthy if we are proactive. But what happens when we get hungry outside the home and we have not put anything in our purse or backpack?
Healthy snacks

What do we do those days when we leave the house thinking that we will be back in an hour and the day gets complicated and the procedures get longer? It seems that in that case, there are no other options than to resort to unhealthy food : chips, chocolates, pastries or whatever we can get in a vending machine.

There are actually some better options, and they are not hard to find. It will be strange that we do not have a grocery store, super, or greengrocer on hand.

A healthier snack

Have these options occurred to you?

1. Roasted chestnuts

At this time of year it is not difficult to find a stand for roasted chestnuts. Let’s take advantage of the season. Chestnuts are a perfect snack and we also warm our hands.

The roasted sweet potato option that they also offer in many of these stands is also good, without sugar on top! If you have them, just put a little cinnamon on us.

And although less common, if they have grilled cobs, we also accept them as a healthy snack.

2. Piece of fruit

It seems obvious, but there are those who do not think of it. There is nothing easier to get than a pear, an orange or an apple. In the first greengrocer, grocery store or supermarket that you come across, it will be rare that they do not have a piece of fruit.

If you are not going to be able to wash it, it is better to opt for fruits that are eaten peeled and we can peel with our hands, such as tangerines or a banana.

In well-stocked stores, there may be packets of clean baby carrots or cherry tomatoes in the pre-cut veggie area . Both are also excellent options.

3. Paleo-bar

In many stores they already have the so-called “paleo bars” or “primal bars”, which are energy bars made only with nuts, dried fruit and some ingredient to flavor such as cocoa, grated coconut or frozen fruit. The vast majority are also vegan.

They have nothing to do with supermarket bars made from refined grains, poor quality fats and sugar.

A similar solution is fig bread, which many stores tend to have at this time. But that the ingredients are only figs. Some may have walnuts or almonds.

And as an alternative and even easier to find solution: a simple bag of roasted nuts is an excellent snack. Or a bag of dried raisins, dried apricots or plums.

4. Yogurt

Again, a resource that we find in any store or supermarket that crosses our path. A natural yogurt without sugar or sweeten, soy if we are vegan.

As I imagine you may not have a teaspoon in your bag, there is the trick of breaking a piece of the container at the bottom and “slurping” the yogurt through the hole.

5. Whole grains or rice cakes

These breadsticks are so widespread that it will be rare for a grocery store that does not have them. If there is a reference that only has whole wheat flour, olive oil and salt, they may be an acceptable option. Of course much better than French fries, chocolates, cookies or pastries.

Rice or corn cakes are also a better option than everything listed at the end of the previous paragraph, ideally with the shortest possible list of ingredients, and choosing the option that contains less salt. Of course, the banana is better.

And the next day, let’s remember to leave home cautious.

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