2 Stretches That Prepare You To Sleep Better

Certain twists and stretches help relax the nervous system and promote sleep. Take note to get it easier!

Before falling asleep, the mind needs to gradually enter a state of calm, but the body also appreciates postures and movements that relax it, rebalance its energy and predispose it to rest. It is something that yoga tastes good.

Breathing is one of the pillars of yoga. Through conscious and complete breathing, a greater amount of oxygen is allowed to reach the organs and the brain, which favors the relaxation of the nervous system and, therefore, the regulation of sleep.

At the same time, there are some asanas or postures that are especially suitable before going to sleep :

  • Shirshasana (posture on the head): like other inverted postures, it favors relaxation.
  • Sarvangasana (the candle): favors a type of breathing that calms the mind.
  • Paschimottanasana (the clamp) or any forward bend: stretching the spine relaxes the nervous system.
  • Savasana (posture of the dead): held for several minutes allows you to practice deep and conscious breathing to gradually relax the body and calm the mind. Although it seems simple, this posture also has its technique: we will tell you its benefits and how to do it here.

If you want to get started in the practice of Yoga, in an easy and safe way, start with the most complete online course for beginners of the Body Mind School, Initiation to Yoga with Eva Roca.

Beyond yoga, very simple intuitive movements can also be helpful. Here are two simple examples.

Exercises to release tension before going to sleep

Established as a routine, or on nights when one feels restless, spending 5 or 10 minutes practicing these stretches before going to bed helps calm the breath and the mind, releases tension and encourages withdrawal that leads to rest.

Before starting, of course, the bedroom has to be prepared : dim the light, isolate it from noise, ventilate or heat it, etc. The clothes must also be comfortable and pleasant.

1. Gentle torsion of the trunk

With this twist, you will be giving a kind of massage to your spine. Many times you will come to perceive how the energy is unblocked through the back or even the inside of the legs and arms.

  1. Sit comfortably cross-legged, on the floor, or on a firm rug or mat with your legs crossed. Make sure to keep your torso straight and your shoulders relaxed.
  2. Turn your bust to the right and rest your left hand gently on your right knee. Avoid unnecessary stress.
  3. Without undoing the posture, take three breaths. Then slowly return to the center and repeat the exercise on the other side.

It is important to take the time necessary to perform the movements and maintain the posture, listen to the body and in no case force it.

2. Lateral stretch

By lengthening and stretching the lateral muscles of the trunk, you also act on the spine and the nervous system. This exercise is very simple and provides a very pleasant sensation.

  1. Sit comfortably in bed or on a rug or mat. With your legs crossed, rest your hands on your knees and breathe calmly for a few minutes.
  2. Take the opposite elbow with each hand and thus bring your arms upwards, extending your back in a pleasant way, as if stretching yourself with a big yawn.
  3. Breathe in and when you breathe out, lean your trunk slightly to the right. Return to the center and repeat the movement on the other side.

Other routines to improve sleep

If you have a little more time and want to carry out a routine of specific relaxing exercises to facilitate sleep, you can try this series of 12 easy exercises to fall asleep at once, this breathing exercise to stop counting sheep or these 5 techniques of yoga to fall asleep.

You can also turn to some natural aids at night, such as essential oils or other herbal remedies against insomnia.

But, when it is difficult to relax at night when going to sleep, in addition to taking measures just before going to sleep, it is convenient to review our habits during the day and modify those that lead us to accumulate tension. In these articles you will find some tips to get a good night’s sleep:

How to sleep well without resorting to drugs, by Dr. Pablo Saz.

8 routines to rest well, by Dra. Rosa Casafont.

7 secrets for a restful sleep, by Dr. Ramon Rosselló.

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